Page 4 - Westform Public Catalogue 08-06-24
P. 4


                                                 OF PREFINISHED SHEET STEEL PRODUCTS

                                                                                                           May, 2024

              •  When  storing  outdoors  is  unavoidable,  the  following  is  MAINTENANCE
                  recommended:                                     • A thorough building clean-up after completion of construction
              (1)  use good covers, loosely shrouded over stacks and firmly    should be conducted to remove all debris, metal filings, metal
                 anchored  to  prevent wind blow off, but plastic covers     fines, etc. from walls and roofs.
                    should not be used for storage                 • An occasional cleaning of prefinished material can extend the
              (2)  tilt bundles for drainage                          service  life  and help to maintain the appearance of the finish.
              (3)  ventilate bundles but do not allow entry of wind-driven rain    For protected areas (i.e. overhangs) an annual spring cleaning
              (4) block  bundles off  the ground for effective drainage and     is recommended. Simply washing with plain water using hoses
                    ventilation                                      or pressure sprays is often sufficient. Waxing is an additional
              (5)  block long panels to prevent sagging              method of prolonging the service life of prefinished material.
              (6)  store out of direct sunlight if possible        •  In areas where heavy dirt deposits dull the surface, a solution of
              (7) store away from chemically aggressive substances (e.g.     water and detergent may be used: 100ml (1/3 cup) of a typical
                 salt,  cement, fertilizer), away from material that could     laundry powder detergent per 4 litres (1 gallon) of water. A soft
                   contaminate  the surface (e.g. diesel oil, paint, grease) and     bristle  brush should  be used for scrubbing followed by a clear
                    away  from  site traffic.                         water rinse.
              • Shipments of bundled cladding panels should be inspected  • Mildew may occur in areas subject to high humidity. To remove
                  upon delivery.                                    mildew along with the dirt, the following is suggested:
              • Moisture can cause wet storage staining of prefinished material     (1) 100ml (1/3 cup) laundry detergent
                and usually occurs in one of three ways: (1) condensation from     (2) 200ml (2/3 cup) trisodium phosphate (TSP)
                high  humidity and/or  temperature  cycling; (2) wet shipping     (3) 1 litre (1 quart) 5% sodium hypochlorite solution
               conditions; or (3) wind -driven rain penetration (outdoor     (laundry bleach)
                 storage). The usual progression is from visible water staining to      (4) 3 litres (3 quarts) water
                 unsightly white staining (dark grey to dull black on aluminum-     Use in a well ventilated area and follow with clear water rinse.
                 zinc alloy coated material) to red rust. On material where wet  •  Solvent  and  abrasive  cleaners  should  be  avoided.  Caulking
                 storage staining has occurred, it should be noted that nominal     compounds, oils, grease, tars, wax and similar substances can
                 amount of white staining is not detrimental to the functioning     be  removed  with mineral spirits applied only to the affected
                 of the product and is usually considered acceptable.     areas. Detergent cleaning and thorough rinsing should follow
                                                                      the use of solvent.
              • Painting over a new installation is not recommended. All coil  For More Information
                coated paint films have internal additives that do not allow  Additional information on prefinished sheet steel is available in
                 good adhesion between field-applied paint and the coilcoated  the CSSBI Bulletin B1 6-94, Prefinished Sheet Steel for Building
                 paint layer. Also, because touch-up paint will not last as long  Construction For more information about prepainted sheet steel
                as the original, keep the touch-up to a minimum. A small  products, contact the CSSBI for a list of the Fabricator Members
                  artist’s brush or a small air brush should be used. For additional  in your area.
                  guidance about painting, refer to CSSBI Fact Sheet 4: Painting of
                 Prefinished Sheet Steel.
              • Replace a panel rather than attempt to touch-up large areas; a
                 spot 20mm (3/4”) in diameter will become more prominent in
                 time. For repainting, consult a fabricator member of the CSSBI
                 who will provide recommendations.
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